Saturday, July 4, 2009

Prompt 1

What have been your prior experiences with Web 2.0 technologies? Do you consider yourself a leader or follower in this realm, or something else altogether? Why? Also, discuss what you hope to get out of this class.

I consider open source, IM and facebook to be part of Web 2.0. That is about as far as my active experience with Web 2.0 technologies goes. I am aware of Twitter - I don't necessarily see a need to tell everyone about every little thing I do. I am not as self involved. I hope others are not so minutely interested in me...
However, after reading my classmates' responses and sharing, I've begun to realise that perhaps there is a wider application for twitter in the Learning and Development sphere.
I will be signing up for the service soon. I will also be using it in my first produsage assignment.

Am I a leader or follower? Well, I'm utilitarian. I thoroughly believe in the spirit of collaboration and participation. However, I do not go all out exploring ALL the available tools. I follow word of mouth and marry that with necessity and curiosity - in whatever project goal I'm trying to achieve at some particular time.

What do I hope to get out of this class?

Exposure... I am curious about a lot of things. I dabble in a lot but there are many times when I don't follow through with a few things if I'm not accountable to anyone about it. With the class, we are required to post on this blog regarding our explorations. We are required to use the technologies in the produsage assignments. The discussion board posts are also good for ideation...
This brings a certain amount of accountability to the exploration of Web 2.0 and as I said in my first post, I think I needed just that little push out of the door and hopefully, like Bilbo, I will adventure for a really long time...