Friday, July 17, 2009

Prompt 2

After the internet blackout, I thought I'd still answer last week's prompt, late as it may be.

I am fairly interested in new technologies but still maintain that some times there's just too much to choose from and too much information and too many tools to sift through.

As such, I may have used differing produsages, created by other people. However I have not created one yet. The assignment due on monday would be the first official one.

Having little or no work experience, I have not needed to create one for my professional life. My limited summer jobs and time in school back home in India dealt mostly with proprietary software and "chalk and talk"

Like I mentioned in the Pro-Am thread, I hope to function nearly at the professional level in certain skill sets, which are not quite ISD skill sets and I foresee using different Web 2.0 technologies to create produsage in my future professional life.
Just what those will be... we can't know yet.